ASA-VTP-FLIGHT;Flight Maneuvers;


Master Flight Maneuvers with Flight Maneuvers Virtual Test Prep® (DVD & Blu-Ray)

Ace Your Pilot Checkride with Confidence: The Ultimate Maneuver Training Course!

Taking off, landing, and maneuvering your aircraft with precision is the essence of safe and rewarding flight. These maneuvers are crucial for passing your pilot certification checkride, and Flight Maneuvers Virtual Test Prep® is your ultimate preparation tool!

Available on DVD and Blu-Ray for maximum viewing flexibility!

Why Choose Flight Maneuvers Virtual Test Prep®?

  • Master Every Maneuver: Conquer all the maneuvers required for Private, Sport, Commercial, and Flight Instructor (CFI) certification, as outlined in the FAA Practical Test Standards (PTS).
  • High-Definition Learning: Immerse yourself in crystal-clear, high-definition air-to-air video footage, 3D and animated graphics, and special effects for a truly engaging learning experience.
  • Expert Instruction: Learn from experienced flight instructors and pilots who share real-world tips and insights, guiding you from pre-flight checks to smooth landings.
  • Step-by-Step Breakdowns: Each lesson clearly defines the maneuver’s objective and provides a step-by-step analysis with both airborne and ground demonstrations (as applicable).
  • Focus on Practical Application: Learn FAA-recommended techniques and understand the completion standards for each maneuver, ensuring you’re exam-ready.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: This course covers everything you need to know, including:
    • Airport Operations & Traffic Patterns
    • Takeoffs & Landings (Normal, Crosswind, Short-Field, Soft-Field)
    • Essential Maneuvers (Forward Slip, Go-Around, Power-Off 180°)
    • Advanced Maneuvers (Steep Turns, Chandelles, Lazy Eights, Turns Around a Point)
    • Slow Flight & Stall Techniques
    • Emergency Procedures (Engine Failure)

Flight Maneuvers Virtual Test Prep® takes the learning out of the cockpit, allowing you to focus on practice flights with maximum confidence.

Invest in your pilot success! Order your copy of Flight Maneuvers Virtual Test Prep® on DVD or Blu-Ray today!

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